Kunming chilled
The vibe is different here. More laid back, more friendly. Kids on scooters shout “hallo” when they see my wide eye face. The streets are mostly wide, there are lots of trees. In the smaller older streets there are Plaine trees, they call them French Tree. The food is spicy, wholesome and delicious. This is my first taste of Yunnan and it is very cool. (Near the Green Lake university district Kunming 28 June)
Rough Edge, Adventure, Logistics, mountain, navigation training, worldwide,
trekking, Scotland,
DofE Gold, Expedition,
March 6th, 2010 at 8:15 am
How often do you write your blogs? I enjoy them a lot
March 10th, 2010 at 1:28 pm
Hi I am really glad you enjoy these blog posts, there have not been many recently, but soon Rough Edge is off to China again, so there will be lots more coming.
Thanks for your message 🙂