Getting high to Wenhai

Blue T shirtSo after the rain stopped, I set out from Lijiang with Peter. We were heading for Baisha and thereafter upwards onto the mountain range to the west. With the awesome Jade Dragon Mountain range to our north east. Our intended stopover was a village by a lake called Wenhai. The weather again threatened but for the most part held off as we made our way through dense forest above a monastery/tea house/farm at 2600m. In time we emerged onto a dirt road, a very, very long and winding dirt road. It meandered some 12k up the side of the mountain topping out at 3150m with a view down to the lake and eventually the village of Wenhai. Here we were bound to find a warm welcome, some food and a bed for the night… As we made our way into the village there seemed no sign of guest houses or inns, but after asking a group of farmers – chatting together at the end of the day – we were directed to a restaurant – wow, what luck!

Before committing however, I took a look around the village – and stopped at the local shop – think Londis at 3100m in the sky. So then on to our rural welcome, this was great… a restaurant, how lucky 🙂 (Wenhai Village 3050m 12 July)

Rough Edge, Adventure, Logistics, mountain, navigation training,  worldwide, trekking, Breathtaking, Scotland,

DofE Gold, Expedition,

4 Responses to “Getting high to Wenhai”

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  • admin Says:

    Hi there and thanks for the compliments.

    There are no special plug-ins or widgets as far as I know – but you’d have to ask out tech support guys.

    Meantime, please keep reading – and good luck with yours 🙂


  • Alonzo Fradette Says:

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  • admin Says:

    hehe – brilliant! 🙂